Grade Questions Using Timer

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You can grade questions using the timer, too. The timer awards points on the basis of accuracy and speed. The default timer is enabled on all sessions. 

  1. Default Timer: This option displays a visible countdown timer, but answers can be submitted even after the timer runs out. A score of 600 is awarded for answering a question correctly. An additional score of 0-400 is awarded based on how quickly students answer. Wrong answers are marked zero, regardless of the time taken to answer.
  2. Test Timer: This option displays a visible countdown timer, and answers cannot be submitted after the timer runs out. A question is 'timed out' if students exceed the time limit in answering a question. Timed-out questions are marked zero. A score of 600 is awarded for correct answers. 
  3. Timer Off: This option disables the timer. A student is awarded a score of 600 for the right answer and 0 for the wrong answer, regardless of their speed.

Note: Incorrect answers and 'timed out' questions always get 0 points.


Timer Format

Points breakup

Quizizz Individual (Super) +

School and District Plans

Default Timer

  1. Right answer = score of 600 
  2. Within time limit = additional score of 0-400
  3. Wrong answer = 0 points and score

Test Timer

  1. Right answer = score of 600
  2. Wrong and exceeding time limit = 0 points and score

Timer Off

  1. Disabled


Grading Questions Using Timer is available on the Quizizz Individual (Super) and Quizizz School and District Plans

Keyword: Timer, how to grade quizzes on timer, how to set timer, where to find timer, timer and grading, timer is a super feature, timer is an individual feature

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