Create an Assessment/Quiz on Quizizz

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On Quizizz, you can create interactive and multimedia-rich Assessments/Quizzes to boost student engagement. Mix and match 18 different question types, including Multiple-Choice, drag-and-drop, fill-in-the-blanks, Poll, Categorize, and more!

You can host these Assessments live, assign them as homework, or explore a number of other exciting game modes including Mastery Peak and Paper Mode. Detailed reports will provide insights into your classroom's performance in the Assessment. 

In this article, we will go over the steps you can follow to create an Assessment (Quiz) from scratch. We'll also explore how you can tap into the power of Quizizz AI and allow it to automatically generate questions for you! Lastly, we'll discuss other ways of creating quizzes, including importing from Google Forms, spreadsheets, and the Quizizz Library. 

How to create an Assessment (Quiz)

Here are the steps you can follow to create an Assessment from scratch. 

  1. Click on ‘Create’ on the left navigation pane and select the ‘Assessment’ or 'Quiz' option 
  2. Click on ‘Create from scratch’ 
  3. Select a question type from the list of options available 

  4. Enter your question in the space provided. You can choose to add images, videos, audio clips, or equations to your question 
  5. If your question requires answer options, enter them in the space provided and mark the correct ones

  6. You can choose to:
    1. Add an answer explanation for your students to view after attempting the question 
    2. Set the number of points (ungraded questions will carry 0 points) 
    3. Set the time allotted for the question 
    4. Tag standards 
  7. Click on ‘Save question’ on the top-right corner 

  8. Click on ‘+ Add question’ to add more questions to your Assessment/Quiz 

    💡 Pro Tip 

    When you add two or more questions, Quizizz AI will suggest similar questions that you can add to the Assessment/Quiz. Simply scroll down, review the AI-recommended questions, and choose the one you want to add by clicking on the '+ Add Question' button.

  9. Once you’ve added all the questions you need, click on ‘Publish’

  10. Give your Assessment/Quiz a name, and choose the subject, grade, language, and visibility status (public/private). Optionally, add a cover image
  11. Click on ‘Save’ 

Our Assessment/Quiz is now available in ‘My Library’ and ready to be hosted live or assigned as homework!

Other ways to create an Assessment (Quiz)

You don’t always have to create your Assessments/Quizzes from scratch. Quizizz offers many other ways in which you can generate interactive and engaging Assessments/Quizzes for your students. And they’re designed to be quick and efficient, so you can save precious time! 

Create an Assessment/Quiz with Quizizz AI 

Quizizz AI is here to be your personalized teaching assistant. With this tool, you can automatically generate questions in under a minute.

To learn more, refer to our article on Create with Quizizz AI Using Documents, Websites, and More

Import an Assessment/Quiz from existing files 

With Quizizz, you never need to reinvent the wheel. If you already have existing Assessments/Quizzes on your device or in your Google Drive, you can import them into Quizizz. You can upload a spreadsheet or a Google Form, which will be converted into an Assessment/Quiz for you! 

Import from the Quizizz Library

The Quizizz Library contains hundreds of publicly accessible activities created by teachers just like you. You can find these Assessments/Quizzes by entering your topic in the search bar. Copy and edit an Assessment/Quiz to customize it according to your needs.

Or, you can teleport all the questions you need from various Assessments/Quizzes and combine them into a new one! 

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    Adekoya Bilquees Toyin


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