Edit a Running Quizizz Session

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If you have a running Quizizz session and want to edit its questions or session settings, you can easily do this from the report page. These features are particularly useful for correcting incorrect questions or answers during a running Quizizz session.

These features are available to users with the Quizizz Individual (Super) or Quizizz School & District Plans.

Edit questions of a running session

To edit the questions of a running session, follow these steps:

Note: This feature is available for live and homework Assessments/Quizzes and homework Lessons.

    1. Click on ‘Reports’ on the left navigation pane
    2. Click on the correct running session to edit
    3. Click on ‘Edit Questions' to see all the questions that can be edited and reviewed

    4. You can do the following:
      1. edit the question and its options
      2. replace the entire question
      3. edit either the question or the options
    5. Once a question is edited, it will be marked as ‘this question is edited’ 

The following question types can be edited while a game is in progress:

      1. Multiple choice
      2. Open-ended
      3. Fill in the blanks
      4. Poll

Here is how editing a running game will affect grading:

      1. If a student completes the game before the edit, the answer will be marked correct and will be awarded full points (0 - 20 points). 5 points will be marked as default for all question
      2. If a student attempted the question but has not completed the game, then they will have to attempt the updated question again
      3. If students have not attempted the edited questions, they will attempt the edited questions only. They will not be able to view the original questions or answers 

Edit session settings of a running session

Note: This feature is available for homework Assessments/Quizzes, Interactive videos, & Passages.

To edit the activity settings of a running homework session, follow these steps:

      1. Click on ‘Reports’ on the left navigation pane
      2. Click on the correct running session to edit
      3. Click on 'Edit Settings'

      4. You can edit the number of participant attempts. You can also toggle on or off the following settings:
        1. Show Answers after Activity 
        2. Show Leaderboard
        3. Show Memes 
        4. Shuffle Questions
        5. Shuffle Answer Options 
        6. Play Music 
      5. Editing the activity settings will only affect students' playing experience and will not affect grading
      6. Editing the 'Shuffle Questions' and 'Shuffle Answer Options' settings will require students who haven't yet completed the session to refresh their game. 


      • Session settings for running live sessions cannot be edited
      • You cannot add a question to a running session. You can only edit or replace existing questions (and answer options)
      • You can edit the questions and answers multiple times within the session is active. Once the session has ended or its deadline has passed, you will not be able to edit the questions and/or answer options

Keyword: How to edit a running game, how to edit settings for a running homework, how to add questions and answer options to a live game, can I edit live games, what happens when I edit a homework game, are student's marks different for edited questions, how are students scored for edited questions, my student attempted a wrong question how will they be scored, can I edit answer options, can I change answer options, can I edit another quiz which has a wrong question and answer option, Edit/change homework quizzes, how to edit a running quiz, can I edit a running quiz with wrong questions/answers, can I change activity settings, edit questions after starting a game, edit questions during a live game

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