What is Depth of Knowledge (DoK)?

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The Depth of Knowledge (DoK) framework is a handy tool that is generally used for categorizing questions based on how much thinking they require, from just remembering facts (DoK Level 1) all the way up to deep, strategic thinking (DoK Level 4).

When using Quizizz AI to generate questions from a text or prompt, you can pick the DoK levels you aim for. Quizizz AI will then tailor the questions to match, making it a breeze to focus on just the right level of challenge.

Here’s a brief description of all the DoK levels:

  • DoK Level 1 — Recall and Reproduction: This is the most basic level of knowledge, where students are required to remember or reproduce facts, terms, and basic concepts. For example, this level could involve tasks such as naming state capitals, reciting a rule, or identifying parts of a plant.

  • DoK Level 2 — Skills and Concepts: At this level, students are expected to apply their skills and knowledge to slightly more challenging tasks. This may involve processing information and comprehending what they have learned. For example, they may need to compare and contrast two characters in a story, solve routine math problems, or interpret a graph.

  • DoK Level 3 — Strategic Thinking: Here, students are required to engage in strategic thinking and complex reasoning. They may be asked to hypothesize, provide evidence to support their arguments, or explain their reasoning. For example, they might need to write an essay supporting a particular position, solve a multi-step math problem, or design a scientific experiment to test a hypothesis.

  • DoK Level 4 Extended Thinking: This level involves integrating knowledge from various sources or disciplines over an extended period. Students may work on planning, revising, decision-making, and problem-solving. For example, this level could include developing a business plan for a class project, completing a long-term research project, or analyzing the impact of historical events on modern society.

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