Schedule a Start/End Time for Assessments/Quiz

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Are you looking to set a start time and schedule your Assessment/Quiz for later? This feature is available for Assessments/Quizzes that are assigned via classes on your teacher account.

Let's take a look at how you can set up in 5 easy steps -

Step 1 - Select the Assessment/Quiz that you would like to schedule and click on the Assign button 

Step 2 - Set the due date for the assignment 

Step 3 - Click on Select to assign the Assessment/Quiz to a class on Google Classroom or your class on Quizizz. You can also click on the 'Pick specific students' option to assign the Assessment/Quiz to selected students


Step 4 - After selecting the class, scroll down to Schedule and Description to set up further instructions. 



Step 5 - Click on Start date followed by the time at which you intend to start your Quizizz assignment. 


Note- Ensure to set a deadline first to set a start date without any error. 

Once done, click on Next and Assign to set up the assignment. You can view the status of the assignment under Reports on your profile. 




Keyword:Add a start and end time for quizzes, how to schedule a start time and end time for quiz, I want to start / end a quiz later

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