Convert a Teacher Account to Student Account

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  • Updated

You can convert a teacher account to a student account by following these steps:

  1. Log into Quizizz and click on your profile icon from the top-right corner of your page
  2. From the drop-down menu, select 'Settings'
  3. Within the settings menu, scroll down and click on the 'Convert to student account' option
  4. Finally, click on 'Convert'

The teacher account will now be converted to a student account. To reflect the change, ensure that you log out and log back in from the same account.

Keyword: switch teacher account to student, convert teacher to student, account conversion, change teacher account to student, convert to student account, how to switch teacher to student, settings tab account conversion, change role teacher to student, convert teacher profile, switch educator to student, log out and log in after conversion, account settings teacher to student, update account role, convert teacher login to student, change teacher account settings

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