Create a Lesson on Quizizz

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With Lessons, you can teach to achieve significant learning results and boost student engagement.

You can embed an Assessment (or Quiz) within a lesson on Quizizz to assess students' understanding, identify gaps in teaching, and update your instruction on the go. 

Create a Lesson from scratch

To create a Lesson on Quizizz from scratch, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the 'Create' button from the left navigation pane of your Explore page
  2. Choose 'Lesson'
  3. Select 'Add a New Slide'
  4. Choose a slide type or question type

  5. Add content, media, Assessments/Quizzes, etc. as desired
  6. Click on '+ Add New Slide' to create a new slide 
    • You can click on the 'Upload - Free arrows icons Import' button to import slides from Google Drive or a PDF

Create a Lesson by importing a PDF or Google Drive File

To create a Lesson on Quizizz by importing a file, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the 'Create' button from the left navigation pane of your Explore page
  2. Choose 'Lesson'
  3. Select 'Import Slides from Google Drive'
  4. Select 'Import from Google Drive' or 'Upload a PDF'
  5. Select and import the desired file
  6. Once the file gets imported, select or unselect the slides you'd like your Lesson to have and click on 'Import'
  7. You can choose to import your slides as:
    1. Editable slides: You can edit text and images, or 
    2. Uneditable slides: Your slides will be imported as static images
  8. Once the slides are imported, you can add more slides and content as you desire

Save your Lesson

Once you are happy with your Lesson,

  1. Click on the 'Cloud Upload 1 Icon - Free Icons Publish' button from the top-right corner of your screen
  2. Give your lesson a name, and set the relevant subject, grade, language, and visibility preferences
    • You can choose to give your Lesson and image
  3. Click on 'Save'

Your Lesson is now ready to be hosted live or assigned as homework! Learn more about this here: Using Quizizz Lessons

Types of slides and questions available

Formats of slides supported on a Quizizz Lesson are:

  • Blank slides: Best suited for slides that are used in between different topics
  • Title slide: Best suited for presenting Titles and Topic 
  • Text slide: Best suited for text content
  • Text and media: Best suited for a mix of text and media content
  • Fullscreen media: Best suited for multimedia content that requires full-screen attention
  • Web page link: Best suited for links (to reach another site)
  • Interactive video: Great for embedding questions within videos in the lesson to keep students engaged and reinforce learning as they watch

Question types available for a Quizizz Lesson are:

  • Draw
  • Fill-in-the-blanks
  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Open-ended
  • Poll
  • Match 
  • Reorder
  • Audio Response
  • Video Response
  • Drag and Drop
  • Drop-Down
  • Math Response
  • Labeling
  • Hotspot
  • Graphing
  • Categorize

To learn about the functionality of these question types, read this article: Question Types Explained


Keyword: How to host a lesson, how to add slides, how to add another lesson from library, can I import a lesson to Quizizz, can I import presentations slides to lessons, can I add my slides to lesson, can I assign lessons as homework, How to use lessons

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