How are Lessons different from Assessments/Quizzes?

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Lessons offer a new way of engaging with your students on Quizizz. Using presentation style teaching combined with fun tools and questions for real-time understanding checks, Lessons is a great way to teach in your classroom.

Lessons are customizable and easy 

The lessons editor provides maximum customizability, with Individual (Super) users getting access to animated themes as well! The editor has been designed to provide you with as much ease as possible. You can also teleport questions and slides from other Lessons and Assessments/Quizzes instead of starting your Lesson from scratch. 

Lessons are teacher-paced

As a teacher, you control everything about a Lesson. You can choose to pause after a slide, go between slides, reopen questions, and a lot more. Unlike an Assessment/Quiz, which is student-paced, everyone in the class progresses at the same pace in a Lesson. 

An interactive experience

With a variety of slides and media types, Lessons allow you to present any information in an engaging way. You can include questions to check for understanding, as well as polls and open-ended questions to make the experience more fun and interactive. 

Live feedback 

Lessons allow you to include questions (multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, checkbox, open-ended or polls) between slides. You can view student responses for each question as and when your students answer them. This allows you to check for understanding, ask for feedback, poll your students on a topic, spark discussions, and a lot more, as all students respond to the same question at the same time.

Relevant and Fun Power Tools

Lessons has fun power tools like Spin the Wheel where you can spin the names of the students and pick one from the class. This helps in picking student volunteers in a fun, gameshow style. The Live Whiteboard also helps in furthering understanding as you can annotate your slides in real time while presenting the lesson. 

Lesson Reports

At the end of a Lesson, you can go to the Lesson Report to see all student responses to questions in that particular Lesson. Note, Lessons without any questions do not have a Report. 

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