Question Types: Audio Response & Video Response

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Audio Response and Video Response are exciting question types that empower students to express themselves by answering questions with their voice or video right from their screens!

Note: These question types are available for users with the Quizizz Individual (Super) and Quizizz School & District plans. 

Audio Response

To create an Audio Response question, follow these steps:

  1. Create or edit an Assessment/Quiz, Lesson, or Passage
  2. Click on 'Add a question' and select 'Audio Response'. For Lessons, click on 'Add a new slide' and select 'Audio Response' from the list of available question types
  3. Type a question

  4. Select how long a response should be (5 seconds to 5 minutes)
  5. If you want the responses to be graded automatically, click on 'Enable' next to 'Auto-evaluate with Quizizz AI'. All you need to do is set the subject and grade for the question and add evaluation criteria, and student responses will be automatically evaluated. Learn more about this here: Auto-Evaluate Open-Ended & Audio Responses with AI
  6. Once you're done creating, editing, and customizing your Audio Response question, click on 'Save' or 'Save question' from the top right corner of your screen

Video Response

To create a Video Response question, follow these steps:

  1. Create or edit an Assessment/Quiz or Lesson
  2. For Assessments/Quizzes, click on 'Add a question' and select 'Audio Response'.
    For Lessons, click on 'Add a new slide' and select 'Audio Response' 
  3. Type a question
  4.  Select how long a response should be (5 seconds to 5 minutes)
  5. Once you're done creating, editing, and customizing your Video Response question, click on 'Save question' from the top right corner of your screen


Student experience

Here's how your students will see the Audio Response and Video Responses question types:

  1. Students will need to grant access to their device's microphone and camera. This is a one-time requirement
  2. They can record either audio or video (depending on the type of question assigned) by clicking the microphone button
  3. Retakes and replays are enabled for your students to improve their recording
  4. Once the recording is complete, they must click on 'Submit' to finish answering the question

Reports & grading

  • Once the session is assigned (either live or homework), students' responses will be recorded under reports
  • Every Audio/Video Response receives a default score of 100%, as this type of question is ungraded. However, Audio Responses can be auto-graded using Quizizz AI. This feature must be enabled during the question creation or editing stage before the session is assigned. For more information, learn more here: Auto-Evaluate Open-Ended & Audio Responses with AI
  • You cannot download students' audio or video responses from Quizizz reports
  • Audio and Video response questions can be re-scored using the Flexible grading feature that is available on the Quizizz Individual (Super) and School and District Plans. Learn more here: Flexible Grading on Quizizz


Keyword: I want to ask my students to respond or talk to me, audio and video responses, audio and video answer submissions, can I download recordings 


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