Introducing VoyageMath!

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To learn about VoyageMath Premium and its features, read this article: VoyageMath Premium: Plans, Features, and More

What is VoyageMath?

VoyageMath is an engaging, standards-aligned math practice platform. It contains a library of questions that have been created and vetted by experts so they align with your curriculum. With this library, VoyageMath makes daily revision and homework that much more convenient! 

Think of this platform as a personalized guide. It leads students step-by-step to conquer any math skill! 

Why use VoyageMath?

  • Save time: You never have to create fresh content on VoyageMath. Its library of pre-made, standards-aligned content ensures you have everything you need for in-class revision or after-school practice. 
  • Encourage low-stakes learning: With VoyageMath assignments, learners focus on individual growth over rankings. They can practice math skills and work towards mastery at their own pace.
  • Boost engagement: VoyageMath assignments involve gameplay where students answer questions to make their way to the peak of a mountain. They also get to score points, take calculated risks, and play mini-games!
  • Address challenges head-on: Reports on VoyageMath are dynamic and update automatically, enabling you to monitor student progress in real-time. They show you exactly where students need help so you can provide personalized support.
  • Scaffold with ease with StepGuide: A central feature of VoyageMath is the StepGuide, which acts almost like a math tutor. It helps students break down a math question into bite-sized steps with instructions on how to solve them.
  • Support each student's unique learning needs: With Accommodations, you can provide specific accommodations to groups of students in your class. This means you can save time by assigning the same task to your whole class while ensuring you provide compliant scaffolded experiences for your students. Also, your class will not be made aware that there are unique experiences for some students, so they can all feel included while they focus on their own learning.
  • Uncover insights into student learning gaps: VoyageMath AI analyzes student responses to identify common mistakes and fundamental gaps in understanding. This allows you to focus your attention on students who need the most support, ensuring no one is left behind.

How VoyageMath works for teachers

  1. Pick a skill: Choose a skill from VoyageMath's vast library of content organized by topic and level of difficulty.
  2. Assign to class(es): Assign your chosen skill to your Quizizz class(es) so students can hop on board and begin to practice.
  3. Get data in real time: Use dynamic reports to gain insights into individual and class performance and guide your instruction. 

For an in-depth guide, refer to our article on Assigning Skills, Viewing Reports, & Managing Classes on VoyageMath. 

How VoyageMath works for students 

  1. Join the activity: Students log in with their Quizizz credentials to access a VoyageMath assignment, customize their avatars, and begin their journey. 
  2. Answer questions: Learners answer questions across various difficulty levels based on their current skill level and work towards mastery. 
  3. Get help when needed: If stuck with a tricky question, students can access an in-built StepGuide that will lead them to the solution one step at a time. 
  4. Reach the peak: Students answer questions to make their way up a mountain and reach its peak. All while taking breaks and having fun along the way! 

Refer to our article on the VoyageMath Student Experience to learn more.

If you’ve got questions, head to our dedicated article on FAQs for all your VoyageMath queries.

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