Question Type: Word Cloud

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Word Cloud is a whole new question type that is here to help you gather and visualize student responses with ease! This question type automatically represents all of your students' responses in the form of a word cloud where frequently occurring answers are shown more prominently. 

Word Cloud questions are open-ended and ungraded, which means they carry zero points. This makes them ideal for use in ice-breakers and fun Assessments/Quizzes to boost engagement in the classroom. Whether you'd like to know where your students are from or what their favorite subject is, Word Cloud gives you a snapshot of it all. 

How to create a Word Cloud question 

  1. Click on 'Create' on the left navigation pane and select the 'Assessment' or 'Quiz' option
  2. Choose 'Create from scratch' and select the 'Word Cloud' question type 
  3. Type your question in the space provided. You can also add an image, audio clip, video clip, or equation here 

You can choose to add an answer explanation, modify the time allotted, and tag relevant standards. Finally, click on 'Save question'. Note that Word Cloud questions are ungraded and carry zero points.

Once you've added all the remaining questions to your Assessment/Quiz, click on 'Publish'. Your Assessment/Quiz is now ready to be hosted live or assigned as homework. 

Student Experience

When students attempt a Word Cloud question, they will see a blank space where they can type in their responses. The character limit for a Word Cloud answer is 20. Once they've typed in their response, they can click on 'Submit'. 

Viewing Word Cloud Answers 

You can view your participants' responses to Word Cloud questions in the Report for your Assessment/Quiz. You can also view the responses on your live dashboard for live Assessments/Quizzes. 

Viewing Word Cloud answers on the live dashboard

At the end of your live Assessment/Quiz, you can click on the 'Questions' tab in your live dashboard and navigate to the Word Cloud question. Click on it to view all your participants' responses, which are represented in a word cloud.

The most frequently submitted responses will appear in larger font sizes. You can hover on each response to see how many students have submitted it. 

Viewing Word Cloud answers in Reports

Once your live or homework Assessment/Quiz is complete, navigate to its report and click on the 'Questions' tab. Click on the Word Cloud question to view all your participants' responses.

Here too, you will be able to see a word cloud with the most frequently submitted responses appearing in larger font sizes. Hover across the cloud to find out how many students submitted a particular response. You can also scroll down to find each student's response to the question. 

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