Boost Engagement with Player-vs-Player Game Mode: Strike and Shield

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Quizizz now offers a new and exciting player-vs-player gameplay experience called Strike and Shield! With Strike, a student can strike down the score of another student. With Shield, a student can protect their own score from being struck down. 

Why enable Strike and Shield?

Stike and Shield is ideal for:

  • Boosting engagement and increasing participation in activities 
  • Infusing healthy competition while remaining focused on the task at hand 
  • Improving class accuracy 
  • Transforming review and post-review activities 

How does the Strike and Shield game setting work?

As students progress through the levels of an Assessment/Quiz by answering questions correctly, they get the option to use either Strike or Shield. Here’s what they do:


  1. Classic Strike: This allows players to target another player and remove 500 points from their score
  2. Stealth Strike: Similar to the Classic Strike, the key difference is that the targeted player won't know who used the Strike against them. This also results in a 500-point deduction
  3. Precision Strike: With this option, players can target another player and halve their score, effectively reducing it by 50%
  4. Swap Strike: This enables players to exchange their score with another player's score, effectively swapping their positions in the game


  1. Classic Shield: This Shield allows a player to prevent their score from decreasing due to a single Strike or until they progress to the next level
  2. Deflector Shield: This Shield diverts any Strike targeted at the player to a different player. It remains effective for one Strike or until the player reaches the next level
  3. Absorption Shield: This Shield converts one incoming strike into additional points for the player. Its effectiveness lasts for one Strike or until the player moves up to the next level
  4. Stealth Shield: This Shield hides the player from the Strike-selector screen for 20 seconds or until the player reaches the next level

Note that players who choose to Strike cannot see which of their classmates has activated a Shield.


How can the Strike and Shield game mode be enabled?

Strike and Shield is a game setting available only in the Classic mode for Live Quizzes. Here are the steps you can follow to enable it. 

  1. Select the Assessment/Quiz you would like to host live 
  2. Click on ‘Start now’ and select ‘Classic Mode’ 
  3. Toggle the ‘Strike and Shield’ button on

Customize the remaining game settings as you’d like, and click on ‘Continue’ to host the Assessment/Quiz live. Your students will now be able to use the Strike and Shield game mode while playing the quiz. 

Here are some points to keep in mind while using this feature:

  1. Strike and Shield affect only game scores and do not impact accuracy points. To learn more about points and scores, refer to our article on Understanding How Accuracy Is Measured on Quizizz. 
  2. Strike and Shield are in play only during the course of the quiz. A student who finishes the Assessment/Quiz cannot use or be affected by them.
  3. We make sure that the same player doesn’t get constantly targeted by their classmates through a new feature called 'Rebound Shield'. This Shield activates when a student receives a disproportionate number of strikes as compared to their peers. In such cases, the Strikes reflect back to the player who initiated them, and this function continues till the targeted player's number of Strikes falls back to a balanced level.

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