A Quick Guide to Quizizz Paper Mode

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Paper Mode is a Quizizz session mode that supports blended learning and classrooms without 1:1 personal devices for students. 

All you need is one mobile phone, the Quizizz app, and a printer to print personalized QR codes for students. 

Project the Assessment/Quiz questions on your computer and scan student responses using the Quizizz mobile app. 

Where can I find Paper Mode?

Paper mode is a live session mode.

  1. Go to any Assessment/Quiz you would like to play in the classroom 
    1. Note: Paper mode only works for Assessments/Quizzes with MCQ questions, so if you have other question types in your Assessment/Quiz, they will not show up during a Paper Mode game
  2. Click on 'Start now' 
  3. You now will find all the live session modes, including Paper Mode!

How does Paper Mode work?

  • Every student gets a unique, printed, reusable Q-card
  • This card consists of a specialized QR code. It is numbered, so you can easily keep track of all your participants

    QCard.pngTwo hands rotate the Q-card so the correct answer option is on top

  • The four sides of the Q-Card are marked A, B, C, and D. These letters correspond to the four different answer options for a Multiple Choice Question
  • When presented with a question, students rotate and display their Q-cards such that the correct answer option is on top
  • The Q-cards are then scanned using your Quizizz mobile app to record student responses 

How do I host an Assessment/Quiz in Paper Mode?

Download the Quizizz App 

  1. You must download the Quizizz App from the App Store or Play Store

Select an Assessment/Quiz

  1. You can create a new Assessment/Quiz or use your own existing Assessment/Quiz or one from the Quizizz Library
  2. Click on 'Start now'
  3. Select 'Paper Mode'

Print Q-cards

  1. Click on the 'Print' button to access a PDF with printable Q-cards. The file contains 60 Q-cards, so it can support up to 60 participants per Assessment/Quiz
    1. These Q-cards can be reused for every Assessment/Quiz session that you start with Paper Mode!

    2. You can allow Quizizz to keep track of each student’s responses by assigning Q-cards to every student
      1. The cards can be assigned to an existing class, or you can create a Paper Mode Group on Quizizz

      2. Distribute the Q-cards to students in the assigned order

Start the Assessment/Quiz

  1. Click on 'Start' — this will trigger a notification on your mobile app to start the Assessment/Quiz session

  2. Grant the app permission to access your camera. This is a one-time process 


  3. The question will be visible on the computer screen so students can view it. You can prompt students to raise their Q-cards with the correct answer option on top


    1. If you assign Q-cards via a group or class, you will be able to see the names of your participants on your phone screen as you scan their responses 

  4. Ensure your students are holding the card upright to avoid missing any responses


View Results 

  1. Like any other Assessment/Quiz session, you can view immediate results on the Quizizz leaderboard during the activity or receive a detailed report in your Reports section

Note: For an in-depth guide on Paper Mode, refer to our article on Hosting an Assessment/Quiz in Paper Mode. 

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