Log Into Quizizz as a Student With Clever SSO

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Students can sign into Quizizz via Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication with Clever. This means that they can use their Clever login credentials to access Quizizz, reducing the number of passwords and IDs they need to remember. 

Note: Students can log into Quizizz with Clever SSO only once the Quizizz app has been integrated with their Clever portals. This process needs to be completed either by a teacher or by a district administrator. 

There are two ways in which students can log into Quizizz with Clever SSO. They can either access Quizizz via the Clever portal or through the Quizizz login page. 

Access Quizizz via the Clever Portal 

  1. Visit www.clever.com and click on ‘Log in as a student’ 
  2. Enter the username and password associated with the Clever student account and click on ‘Log in’
  3. Navigate to the Quizizz icon and click on it 

Note: If the Quizizz icon is not immediately visible on the dashboard, it can be found by selecting the specific teacher’s page in which the app has been installed.

Access Quizizz via the Quizizz Login page

  1. Visit www.quizizz.com and click on ‘Login’ 
  2. Click on ‘Continue with Clever’. This will redirect you to the Clever portal  
  3. Enter the name of the student’s school 
  4. Enter the username and password associated with the Clever student account, and click on 'Log In' 

The student will now be automatically redirected and logged in to their Quizizz student account. 

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