Library Storage — Logging in with 20+ Activities in My Library

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Post 16th August 2023, if you find yourself with more than 20 activities as a user on the basic plan, you might notice that your Library has undergone a few changes. 

What has changed? 

Starting 16th August 2023, as a user on the basic plan, you can store up to 20 Assessments/Quizzes and Lessons in your library. But don't worry. All activities created before this date will always be accessible to you. 

To create more activities, you can either free up storage space or upgrade to a premium plan to expand your storage. 

Your new 'My Library' Experience 

In order to retain access to all of your activities we have added a Lifetime Access tab to your library. All your activities (apart from your 20 most recent activities) will be found under the Lifetime Access tab. Your 20 most recent activities will be under the Published tab.

For instance, if you logged in with 45 activities in your Library, 

  • the 20 most recent activities will be retained in your Published tab, and 
  • the remaining 25 activities will be shifted to your Lifetime Access tab 


Published Tab Lifetime Access Tab 

Contains your 20 most recent activities 

Contains all the activities apart from your 20 most recent ones. You will forever retain access to these activities

You can edit, share and assign these activities

You can edit, share, and assign these activities

These activities count towards your storage limit of 20, so you will not be able to create or customize any new activities until you free up storage or upgrade for additional storage.

These activities do not count toward your storage limit of 20. You can forever access these activities, but you cannot move activities into this tab from the Published tab.


How do I free up storage?

There are two options to free up storage space in your library and create more activities.  

  1. Archiving: you can choose to archive activities you are no longer using. These get stored for you until you or your school decide to upgrade. Archived activities cannot be edited or hosted, but you will regain full access to them once you upgrade. 
  2. Permanently deleting activities: You can choose to delete activities you are no longer using to create storage space for fresh activities. 

We recommend Archiving your activities, so they are available to you if you or your school decide to upgrade in the future. 

How can I get more storage?

The best way to get more storage is to talk to your school about upgrading to a School or District plan. If your school is unable to partner with Quizizz, you can also consider an Individual plan upgrade. 

However, there are likely more teachers using Quizizz than you realize, and our hope is to avoid situations where teachers have to pay for an individual upgrade. To this end, our team works with administrators, department heads, tech coaches, and other leaders every day.

Other frequently asked questions:

What is the difference between the Published and Lifetime Access tabs? 

Activities in the Published and Lifetime Access tabs are essentially the same; they are always accessible to you to edit, share, and assign. The Published tab will contain your 20 most recent activities, and all your other activities will be under Lifetime Access. 

The activities under the Published tab count towards your storage limit, i.e., 20 activities. You will be required to free up storage space by archiving or deleting activities from your Published tab in order to create new activities.

Activities under the Lifetime Access tab do not count toward your library limit. They include all your activities apart from your 20 most recent ones, and they will be available to you forever. 

Can I move activities between the Published and Lifetime Access tabs?

The Published and Lifetime Access tabs allow you to access all of your existing activities. However, it is not possible to move activities between the Published and Lifetime Access tabs. 

Can I edit activities under the Lifetime Access tab?

Yes! These activities are fully accessible to you, and you can edit and assign these activities forever. 


Upgrade now to get more storage!


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