Is it possible to have multiple correct answers for a question?

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Yes! It is possible to have multiple correct answers for Multiple Choice questions and Fill in the Blank questions. 

Multiple Choice Questions

To add multiple correct answers to an MCQ, follow these steps: 

  1. Open the Quizizz editor by editing an existing Assessment/Quiz or creating a new one 
  2. Under 'Create a new question', select 'Multiple Choice'

  3. Enter your question and add all the answer options 
  4. Toggle to enable the 'More than one correct answer' option


  5. Mark the correct answer options by clicking on their respective checkboxes 


  6. Click on 'Save' 

You can also follow steps 3-6 to edit an existing MCQ with only one correct answer and add multiple correct answer options to it. 

Note that for an MCQ question, students must select all the correct options for their answer to be marked as correct. No points will be awarded for partially correct answers. 

Fill in the Blanks

With Fill in the Blanks questions on Quizizz, there are two ways in which students can enter their answers. They can either type in a single input field or in separate boxes per letter. The single input field format supports multiple answer options.

To add multiple correct answers to an FIB question, follow these steps: 


  1. Open the editor by editing an existing Assessment/Quiz or creating a new one 
  2. Under 'Create a new question', select 'Fill in the blank'
  3. Enter your question in the question field 
  4. Click on the gear icon near the answer field 
    1. Select the 'Single input field' option
    2. Toggle to enable alternative answers 
    3. Click on 'Save' once you have customized the remaining settings according to your requirements 
  5. Type the correct answer in the answer field. The answer can contain up to 40 characters 
  6. Enter the next correct answer in the 'Alternative Options' section. From the drop-down menu next to the answer, select:
    1. 'is exactly' if the student's answer must exactly match the answer you have entered 
    2. 'contains' if it is sufficient for the student's answer to contain the answer you have entered
  7.  Repeat this process until you have added all the correct answer options, and click on 'Save'

You can also follow steps 4-7 to edit an existing FIB question with only one correct answer and add multiple correct answer options to it. 

Note that for an FIB question, students need to enter only one correct option for their answer to be marked as correct. 

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