Adding Videos to an Assessment (or Quiz)

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Yes! You can add any video from YouTube, Google Drive, One Drive, or your device to a question using the Assessment/Quiz editor.

To add a video, edit the question and click the video icon from the editor. 


To add a YouTube video

You can either search for a video using the search bar or paste the YouTube video URL and click the Save button.


To upload from Google Drive or One Drive

  1. Click on the video icon to insert a video.
  2.  You can either import a video from your Google Drive/One Drive or upload it to Google Drive/One Drive, and then choose it to be played on the Quizizz Assessment editor (or Quiz editor)
  3. Once your Google Drive/One Drive and Quizizz are linked, you can select the video you want to insert in the question 

To upload from your device

  1. Click on the video icon to insert a video.
  2.  Click on the 'Upload - Free arrows icons Upload video' button
  3. Select the video you want to insert in the question and upload it


  • In case you do not have permission to upload a video from Google Drive/One Drive, request the owner of the video file to make it public so that you can add it to your Assessment/Quiz 
  • Supported video formats are .mp4 and .ogg
  • Videos should be less than 100 MB 

Keyword: Add videos to quiz, add videos as questions to quiz, can I upload YouTube videos, can I upload Google videos, I want to insert google drive videos, I want to include videos in my quiz

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