Download & Print Quizizz Resources as Worksheets

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You can download and print a published Quizizz resource as worksheets! This feature is available for all Assessments/Quizzes, Lessons, Interactive videos, and Flashcards.

Follow these steps to download/print a Quizizz resource as a worksheet:

  1. Select the Quizizz resource
  2. Click on the ' Worksheet' button located under the name of the resource

  3. The resource will open in a worksheet format in another tab of your browser. You can make the following customizations:
    1. You can toggle on the 'Shuffle answers' option
    2. You can toggle on the 'Shuffle questions' option
    3. You can toggle on the 'Answer keys' option to include the answer key on the last page of the worksheet
    4. You can set the font size as small (S), medium (M), large (L), extra large (XL)
    5. Click on 'More settings' to:
      1. Include question tags
      2. Include the name of the instructor
      3. Add, edit, and include the school logo
      4. Adjust the sizes of the images for both questions and options 

  4. Once you're happy with the worksheet, click on the 'Print/Download' button on the right side of your screen

Note: Interactive Videos cannot be downloaded or printed as worksheets.


Keyword: How to print quizzes, I want to xerox my quizzes, where to find print option for quizzes, how to print a lesson, I want to print lessons on quizizz, can I print a lesson and quiz? 

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