How do I change the name of my Assessment/Quiz?

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  • Updated

You can easily change the name of the Assessment/Quiz from the quiz editor. 

  1. First, make sure that you're logged in to your Quizizz account.
  2. Under My Library, select the Assessment/Quiz you wish to edit
  3. Click the Edit button as shown below ezgif-6-484f2478add1.gif
  4. To change the name, click the Pencil Icon(Screenshot_2021-06-05_at_7.54.53_PM.png) next to the Assessment/Quiz nameScreenshot_2021-08-04_at_12.32.11_PM.png
  5. Through the box that pops up, you may change the Assessment/Quiz name. You can also change the relevant subjects. ezgif-6-164139d211e6.gif
  6. Click the Save button to save changes made to the Assessment/Quiz


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