Start & Assign an Assessment/Quiz Session

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Conduct engaging live Assessment/Quiz sessions or assign them as homework for your students! This step-by-step guide will walk you through all the necessary steps to effectively start a live session or set up a homework session for your students.


πŸš€ Create an Assessment/Quiz, or
πŸš€ Access publicly available Assessments/Quizzes from the Quizizz Library

Start a live Assessment/Quiz session 

  1. Select the Assessment/Quiz you want to start a live session for
  2. Click on the 'Start now' button

  3. Select the desired Session Mode for your live Assessment/Quiz
  4. After selecting the desired session mode, click on 'Customize' to customize the session settings
  5. Click on 'Start' 

  6. To join this session, students
    • can click on and enter the code you have shared, along with their names
    • can use the join code shared by you via an LMS (Learning Management System) like Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology, etc.
    • can scan the QR code shared by you from their devices
    • can join via the link shared by you

  7. Once all your students arrive at the lobby,
    • Click on 'Start' to start your Assessment/Quiz, or
    • You can choose to auto-start your Assessment/Quiz, and it will start automatically as per the timer set by you

If a student is unable to join due to technical difficulties, they can access the Assessment/Quiz whenever they can until the code is still active. Students cannot join an Assessment/Quiz once it has ended.

Assign an Assessment/Quiz session asynchronously (as homework)

  1. Click on the Assessment/Quiz that you want to assign as homework
  2. From the Assessment/Quiz page, click on the 'Assign' button

  3. Customize the session settings
  4. Once you are done customizing all your desired settings, click on the 'Assign' button
  5. To joined this session, students can
    • can click on and enter the code you have shared, along with their names
    • can use the join code shared by you via an LMS (Learning Management System) like Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology, etc.
    • can scan the QR code shared by you from their devices
    • can join via the link shared by you


Keyword: How to host a live quiz, how to start a live quiz, different modes to start a quiz, can I start a quiz with other questions, can I start a quiz now, students cannot access the live quiz, How to play a quiz with students, how to assign a quiz as homework, deadline for homework, can students access homework quizzes, how to assign a quiz as an assignment, hw quiz, assign hw, asynchronous activity, I want to assign a quiz as homework

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