Enable Mastery Mode in Homework Assessments/Quizzes

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With Mastery Mode, you can set an accuracy goal for your classroom when you assign them a homework Assessment/Quiz. Students can then reattempt incorrectly answered questions multiple times until they reach this goal. 

This mode empowers students to improve understanding and retention through spaced repetition and practice. Mastery Mode enables you to define both the overall accuracy goal as well as the number of reattempts allowed for incorrectly answered questions. 

To enable Mastery Mode, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Assessment/Quiz you would like to assign as homework. You can:
  2. Click on 'Assign Homework' 
  3. Toggle the 'Mastery Mode' option on the game settings page to enable it 


  4. Set your preferred mastery goal. You can choose between 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100% accuracy
  5. Set the number of times your students can reattempt an incorrectly answered question
  6. Review and modify the remaining settings as per your requirements and click on 'Assign' 

Note that enabling Mastery Mode will automatically disable the following:

  1. Redemption Quiz/ Redemption Questions 
  2. Adaptive Question Bank 
  3. Extra Life 
  4. Power-ups 
  5. Skip Questions & Attempt Later 
  6. Leaderboard 

Also, note that participant attempts must be set to two or more in order to enable Mastery Mode. Additionally, 'Show Answers During Activity' must be set to either 'On' or 'Validate Only'. 

To see how Mastery Mode has impacted class accuracy, follow these steps:

  1. Click on 'Reports' on the left navigation pane 
  2. Select the Assessment/Quiz that was assigned with Mastery Mode enabled 
  3. Toggle the 'show report with repeated attempts' option to view results with/without reattempts 


The report will display the overall improvement in class accuracy with Mastery Mode enabled. It will also display the mastery goal, the number of students who met this goal, and the average number of attempts made per question. 

Keyword: mastery mode, setting an accuracy goal, reattempt questions, can my students reattempt questions, how many times can my students reattempt questions, what is mastery mode, where can I find mastery mode, mastery mode for homework quizzes

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