Import an Assessment/Quiz from Google Forms

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You can now import Google Forms from your Google Drive directly into Quizizz. This enables you to save time while consolidating all of your tools on one platform.

Here is how the various question types on Google Forms will appear on Quizizz once they are imported.

Question Type on Google Forms  Question Type on Quizizz 

Multiple choice questions 

Multiple choice questions 



Short answer





Linear scale



Images uploaded along with questions or answer options on the form will also be imported into your Assessment/Quiz on Quizizz.

To ensure your Google Form is imported in the right format, follow these steps: 

  1. Open the Google Form that you want to import as an Assessment/Quiz
  2. Click on the 'Settings' tab 
  3. Toggle the 'Make this a quiz' option to enable it 
  4. Return to the 'Questions' tab 
  5. Click on a question and select the 'Answer key' option to mark the correct answer(s). Skip this step for questions that are open-ended or have no correct answers


To import your Google Form into Quizizz, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on 'Create' from the left navigation pane 
  2. Select the 'Assessment' or 'Quiz' option 
  3. Click on the 'Google Forms' option at the bottom of the screen


  4. Choose the correct account to sync with Quizizz 
  5. Review the list of permissions required and click on 'Allow' to sync Quizizz with your Google Drive (this is a one-time process)


  6. Select the Google Form you want to import into Quizizz
  7. All of your questions from the Google Form are now available in your Assessment/Quiz. You can edit these questions, add more questions, or import content from the Quizizz library
  8. Click on 'Save'
  9. Name your Assessment/Quiz, select the appropriate subject, grade, and language, and set the visibility status of your choice. Click on 'Continue'
  10. Your Assessment/Quiz is saved and can now be found in 'My Library' 

Note: 'File upload', 'Multiple choice grid', and 'Checkbox grid' question types on Google Forms are currently not supported on Quizizz. 


Keyword: can I import google forms, can I use google forms in Quizizz, how can I use Google forms in a quiz, can I upload a google form as a quiz, how can I use a google form in Quizizz, how can I sync google forms with Quizizz, google forms to quizizz, upload assessments to Quizizz 

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