Import an Assessment/Quiz From a Spreadsheet

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Some quizzes are short, some are long, and some are just right (Goldilocks would approve). But if you're wondering how cumbersome it would be to add questions to a long Assessment/Quiz manually we've got your back. Now you can add the questions to a spreadsheet and upload it instead!

First, download the sample file from this link to get the template for the spreadsheet. In the sample file, you will find instructions in each column to guide you.


  1. Question Text: Type the questions under this column.
  2. Question Type: There are five question types, namely multiple choice, checkbox, fill-in-the-blanks, open-ended, and polls. Choose the question type from the dropdown for each question. If you have a multiple choice question with multiple correct answers, choose the checkbox question type. 
  3. Answer options (Option 1-5): Fill in the answer options for all question types except for open-ended questions. It is not mandatory to fill in all the answer options (Options 3 to 5 are optional).
  4. Correct answer: Enter a number ranging from 1 to 5 under this column. The number represents the option number for the right answer. For questions with multiple correct answers, you can specify the options separated by a comma. For example, If you need options one, two and four as correct, you can write 1,2,4 under the correct answer column. 
  5. Time in seconds: Enter the time (in seconds) for a question. The default time value is 30 seconds.
  6. Image Link: If you have images in your question, you can provide the image URL under this column.

Once you have completed the questions, save the spreadsheet. Now, let's upload the spreadsheet to Quizizz!

Open the Assessment/Quiz editor and click the 'Import from spreadsheet' button as shown in the image below.


You can either upload or drag & drop the spreadsheet to import the questions from the spreadsheet.


The Assessment/Quiz editor uploads the questions and displays them in spreadsheet format. You can cross-check the questions and click the save button to save the questions to the Assessment/Quiz.


You can only upload files in .xls or .xlsx format. You can create .xlsx files in MS Excel, Numbers (Mac) or Open Office.


Keyword: How to import a quiz from a spreadsheet, supported question formats for uploading a quiz, can I get a template for uploading a quiz from a spreadsheet, access a quizizz spreadsheet, download excel worksheet, I want to upload excel doc to quizizz

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