How do I sort the players' scores alphabetically in the Excel report ?

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We are excited to announce that we have added a new tab to our Excel report. With this new report, you not only get a detailed summary of the entire class's performance but also have a new view that focuses on individual student performance.



The first image shows the detailed class level report, player level data is on the second image.

This player report is ordered based on the scores. You can always manipulate this report and sort it alphabetically based on the names or the time when they started a game. We have also colour-coded it on accuracy to help you identify the students who will need more of your attention. You can now make any changes to this report and directly upload the Player level data to your grade book.

As a bonus we have also added the device info in this report, it helps you better identify the student by providing the device and browser information from which they attempted the Assessment/Quiz.

All this great actionable data is just a click away. You can access and generate these report for any of your previous games too. You can learn more about it from here.



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