Rename, Print and Email Reports

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To Rename a report, follow these steps:

  1. Click Reports on the left navigation pane
  2. Click the Edit icon next to the report’s name
  3. Rename the report and click Rename

You can print three types of reports per Assessment/Quiz (under the Participant, Questions, Overview, and Topics tabs). Click on the Print icon to get three options of summaries to print:

  1. Questions Summary: Question-wise breakup of students progress
  2. Participant Summary: All students attempt summary along with scores and accuracy
  3. All participant reports: All students ( along with individual scorecard) attempts, scores, and accuracy

You can email individual student progress reports to parents/guardians either right after a live Assessment/Quiz or after a homework deadline.

To Email reports to parents/guardians right after a live Assessment/Quiz, follow these steps:

  1. After a live Assessment/Quiz is complete, click the Overview option and click Email to parents
  2. Parents/guardians' email addresses are updated automatically. You can either email every parent/guardian individually or all parents/guardians in one go. Each message is automatically updated to reflect a student’s report and scores

To Email reports to parents/guardians after a homework’s deadline, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Email to Parent, next to every student’s score in the Reports tab
  2. Click on the eye to preview a report
  3. Enter a parent/guardian’s email address. The subject and body of the email is auto-generated; you can also edit this if required. Click Send
  4. All parents/guardians' email addresses are auto-saved. You do not need to type in the email addresses every time, for a particular class 

Parents/guardians can also play the Assessment/Quiz with their children after the report is sent for post assignment learning


Keyword: How to rename report, how to print report, how to email report, live games and reports, homework games and reports, how to access reports, Rename, edit, print, email reports, how to email reports to parents, how to take a xerox copy, how to edit a report

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